Los sensores de viento más resistentes del mundo

FT7 series surrounded by ice crystals

Acu-Res® Tecnología

La exclusiva tecnología de resonancia acústica (Acu-Res®) de FT es confiable para sistemas de control críticos en todo el mundo. Los sensores de viento Acu-Res® compensan automáticamente los cambios en la temperatura, presión y humedad del aire para mantener la continuidad de los datos.

Aguantando el clima más duro del mundo

Los sensores de viento FT han demostrado ofrecer datos confiables en entornos extremos, desde parques eólicos en alta mar hasta transmisión de líneas de energía en Islandia. Sellados con IPX6K, resistentes a la corrosión, protegidos contra sobretensiones y con calefacción potente para un funcionamiento sin hielo.

power line in snowy mountains

Por qué elegir FT


Desde la inspección inicial de mercancías hasta la calibración y prueba, la calidad es el núcleo de los principios de fabricación de FT Technologies. FT está acreditado con ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 y sigue el estándar APQP4 Wind para el desarrollo de nuevos productos.


Leyendo velocidades del viento de 0 a 90 m/s y proporcionando datos a 10 Hz, la exclusiva tecnología Acu-Res® de FT le ofrece mediciones precisas del viento sin demora.


El aluminio anodizado duro, las carcasas impermeables, los conectores de grado industrial y el calentamiento en todo el cuerpo aseguran que los sensores de viento FT proporcionen datos fiables de velocidad y dirección del viento, incluso en condiciones extremas.


With industry-leading quality control measures in place, FT technologies manufactures professional-grade wind sensors that are chosen for a range of demanding applications. Whether you want to upgrade your wind turbines, gain weather warnings for critical infrastructure or get accurate wind data for your autopilot, FT wind sensors ensure you receive reliable data 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

35 años de experiencia

FT Technologies ha estado diseñando y fabricando sensores de viento de resonancia acústica durante más de 35 años. Como proveedor líder para la industria de turbinas eólicas durante más de 20 años, diseñamos y fabricamos todos nuestros sensores de viento en el Reino Unido y los exportamos a nivel mundial.

Front of FT Technologies office
FT7 series wind sensor photograph with schematic diagram behind

Serie FT7

Los sensores de viento de la serie FT7 son la solución "instalar y olvidar" para un funcionamiento sin mantenimiento durante todo el año, incluso en las condiciones más extremas.

FT6 series wind sensor photograph with schematic diagram behind

Serie FT6

Los sensores de viento de la serie FT6 están diseñados para un rendimiento profesional mientras minimizan el impacto del peso en el usuario final.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias